Our Contacts


Need more information, special requests, send us a suggestion? Contact the structure of your interest using the form below or the contact details on this page. You will be contacted as soon as possible by our staff.

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By submitting this form you authorize the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree no. n. 196/2003 (Code for the protection of personal data) In accordance with the Law to inform you that: The personal data provided will be treated to meet the requests received, for purposes' promotion, sending special offers and sales information from the structure or business partner consent to the processing of personal data is optional and any refusal will only prevent you from receiving responses and / or offers and business proposals. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of data concerning him, erasure or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and the upgrade and integration of data, the data subject also has the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of data concerning him.

Nicotel Barletta
Viale Regina Elena - Litorale di Levante
70051 Barletta, (Bari)
Tel: (+39) 0883 348946 (pbx)
Fax: (+39) 0883.334383

Nicotel Bisceglie
Viale della Libertà
70052 Bisceglie, (BA)
Tel: (+39) 080 3993111 (pbx)
Fax: (+39) 080 3993155

Nicotel Corato
Via Gravina S.n.
70033 Corato, (BA)
Tel: (+39) 080.8722430
Fax: (+39) 080.8722430

Nicotel Gargano
Strada Statale 89 , km 174
71043 Manfredonia, (FG)
Tel: (+39) 0884.54.94.48
Fax: (+39) 0884.54.94.48

Nicotel Ostuni
Contrada Lamaforca
72012 Carovigno, (BR)
Tel: (+39) 0831.968440
Fax: (+39) 0831.968506

Nicotel Pineto
Viale dei Pini
74010 Castellaneta Marina, ( TA )
Tel: (+39) 099.8431105
Fax: (+39) 099.8431105

Nicotel Business Center
via delle Violette ,12
70026 Modugno, (Ba)
Tel: (+39) 080 5833111
Fax: (+39) 080 5833048